Learning method

The Method
The new method for learning the one-row diatonic accordion, co-written by Raynald Ouellet, Sabin Jacques, and Rachel Aucoin, is designed for students of all ages as well as teachers seeking pedagogical tools.
It includes numerous scores, exercises, and advice to facilitate the learning of the instrument. A large repertoire of traditional Quebec music is presented, highlighting this cultural heritage.
The basic course for one-row diatonic accordion is divided into three volumes:
- Preparatory level
- Elementary level 1
- Elementary level 2
The digital version of the preparatory level diatonic accordion method is free. You can download it by clicking here.
To obtain a paper version ($15.75 (tax included) + shipping costs) OR for a digital version ($10.24 tax included), you can contact us at projets@accordeonmontmagny.com or by phone at 418 248-7927 ext. 1.
Audio Tools
The method is accompanied by several audio files (available on the YouTube channel of the Carrefour mondial de l’Accordéon) to enable students and teachers to enrich the learning experience through listening. This promotes learning by ear and imitation, a preferred mode of transmission in the living tradition of Quebec.